Posted in Blog Challenge

#photoaweekchallenge – Let’s start with some rules



I was going to just take each week as it came, but I’ve decided to put some rules in place so there is some sort of order to things.

There’s nothing hectic, it’s just to try and keep the flow of the blogs more or less the same, except obviously for the actual photo.


  1. The photo being uploaded must not be edited in any way.  You take the photo with your camera and whatever settings you have on the camera and that is it.  No adding or changing anything before uploading.  The only exception would be to add a tag at the bottom to confirm the photo is yours, for example, mine will read “Photo by Flametjie” at the bottom right.
  2. Post just the photo and the challenge description.  No explanation, etc, the photo should be the only explanation needed.
  3. It’s a weekly challenge, so photos should be uploaded weekly.  I’ve decided each week the upload will be done on a Friday.
  4. Only 1 photo should be uploaded per challenge.  There will be lots of times you have a few photos you could use, but choose your favourite and stick to it.


There’s only 4 simple rules, so like I say, nothing hectic. 🙂

I hope to see some posts soon and keep an eye out on Friday for my first upload.