Posted in Monthly Highlights

February 2014 Highlights

I haven’t been on my blog for sometime and I realised I had started the below post and never finished it, but I’m going to post it anyway with no further updates or changes 🙂
  • Pa’s 85th Birthday – My maternal grandfather turned 85 on the 7th of February!  It was both a happy and sad time as unfortunately his younger brother passed away on the 8th.  It was all together a nice day though spent with family and friends.  It was really awesome seeing my grandparents meeting their third great grand child for the first time.  Special moments like these last through the years and it is even better having them frozen in time with images.
  • Logan went to his first birthday party of the year.  One of the boys in his class invited them all to a Pirate party.  The kids had an absolute blast and did not stop for just over 2 hours!  They had a splash pool they were in and out of, there was a jungle gym they were up and down on, there was enough space for them to run around and do pirate stuff.  Needless to say I had a very drained child when we left, the way all kids should be after a good party. 🙂
  • Hubby and my brother had some brother in law bonding the following day and went for a mountain bike ride in Tokai forest.  That left myself, my sister in law and her sister with the 3 kidlets (5 year old, almost 2 year old and 1 month old).  We figured we’d go to the beach since it was early (left the house at 07h30) so it wouldn’t be too hot, but we forgot to take the wind into account.  We got to Windmill beach, after driving for about 30 minutes, only to find that the wind was far too terrible!  We decided then to go back to the house instead, which was another 30 minute drive.  Logan was not too impressed because sitting in the car for an hour is no fun for a 5 year old.  He was appeased though when he was able to swim in the pool without the worry of waves and sharks.  Ok, I was happy he got to swim in a wave / shark free water. 🙂  Hubby and bro joined us after their eventful ride, yes hubby fell off his bike….again.  The rest of the morning was spent chilling in the shade while the kids swam.